Who we are
Sunny Side Up is a voluntary organisation based in Stratford-upon-Avon creating convivial social opportunities and events for those in the second half of life (50-100+!).
With an emphasis on fun and friendship, Sunny Side Up reaches out to older people who may feel alone and isolated or simply wish to expand their horizons.
We understand the devastating effect loneliness and social isolation can have on older people's lives and health - and are determined to do something about it.
Our objectives - in a nutshell!
To banish loneliness and social isolation
To improve health and emotional well-being
To add fun and laughter to life
To help older people adapt to digital technology
To encourage inter-generational volunteering and contact
Read about our Activity Groups and Events to learn how we're trying to achieve these objectives.
Our aims for the future
Our plan for 2018 is to consolidate all the activities in which we're currently engaged with the aim of making our events regular or annual occasions and increasing the number of participants in our activity groups. We shall be collaborating with other voluntary groups and charities who support older people in various ways in order to avoid duplicating our efforts. We also plan to encourage intergenerational contact through volunteering. More on this during the year.
We also hope to add to our list of sponsors (see Welcome page) over time as clearly a sound financial position is essential to enable us to realise our ambitions. Please support us if you can either financially or in kind.
Our simple and most important aim though is to extend kindness and a helping hand to those in need of support. At the end of 2018, we would like to feel that we have added something positive to the lives of those older people we've been able to reach. If you know of anyone who might benefit from our efforts, please get in touch with us.
Sunny Side Up's ukulele group, The Sunnysiders,
performing at our annual Coffee Morning
at Stratford Town Hall in March 2017. Next Town Hall Coffee Morning Tuesday 27th March 2018, 10.30-12.30am.
Everyone welcome.
Please get in touch if you'd like to join our group and learn to play the ukulele. Great fun, easy-peasy to get a few chords under your belt and no need to read music!
Do any of our objectives resonate with you ? If so, don't hesitate to get in touch - we'd love to have a chat. Click on the flower below for our details! Look forward to hearing from you. After all, you're one of those we care about.
However small the donation, every penny counts and we will ensure that it's used wisely. Thank you!
All donations made securely through PayPal
Our website and Sunny Side Up itself are works in progress.
Please come back to visit us from time to time
to see how we're doing!