No one can help everyone
but everyone can help someone
If you'd like to join Sunny Side Up's merry band, please get in touch via the Contact Us page. As you may have seen from our Activity Group page, we've recently added a singing group, The Show Stoppers, and a writing group too called All Write! to our list of activity groups. In the pipeline for 2017 are crafts, tai chi and mindfulness, dancing and drumming groups. If you have any skills or expertise in these subjects, we'd love to hear from you. We feel strongly about offering what is actually wanted and not what we think is wanted - so if you have any ideas of your own, we'd be happy to discuss them.
Two of our invaluable VOLUNTEERS
Catherine - Ukulele Group
Catherine started learning the ukulele a few years ago after receiving one (bright red!) from her husband for Christmas and discovering she had a talent for it. She's the lead volunteer for our ukulele group, The Sunnysiders. We call her our Great Leader!
Peter - Computer Club
A man of many talents, Peter is a wine buff, a keen photographer, a dog lover, a National Trust enthusiast and volunteer guide, and a dab hand with all things digital (particularly the iPad and equipment and advice for those with low vision), so worth his weight in gold!
A slide show of some
of the members of our ukulele group including invaluable volunteer, Hugh!
Click on individual
picture to view caption.
Many thanks to Elaine Binks for the pictures on this page and elsewhere on the site.
......and Sunny Side Up would be happy to find VOLUNTEERS for the following roles too!
Organisers - a compartmentalised mind and tons of energy!
Funding application genius!
Hospitality - happy to deal with that essential tea, coffee and cake!
If you'd enjoy taking care of hospitality for our groups or are an organiser by nature, the Chair of Sunny Side Up would love to hear from you. We emphasise the social side of our groups as much as the skills we teach so there's a lot of tea, etc., to be poured and cake to be cut.
There's also a great deal of organising to do in general as you can imagine.
And then there are the funding applications to be submitted - a talent in itself!
Please consider helping us - and helping Sunny Side Up to grow. Thank you.
Some reasons for volunteering
(if you need them!):
Supporting those less fortunate or without a voice does wonders for mind, body and spirit;
Help others with something you're good at;
Make a difference - every person counts;
Meet new people and make new friends;
Gain confidence and self-esteem;
It's challenging and rewarding - and fun;
Develop a sense of purpose;
Enrich your own life and that of others;
Assisting and encouraging others promotes happiness and well-being;
Get to know the local community, feel valued and part of a team.